Compost Site

Compost Site Hours: Monday through Sunday, sunrise to sunset beginning April 1st through November 30th, unless severe weather or illegal dumping occurs.Please call the Public Works Director, Dan Remer, with questions: 763-238-2389

As a convenience for the residents of Montrose, the City has a compost site to help dispose of yard waste and compostable items. Public Works Director Dan Remer has recently updated the rules for the compost site which are listed below. The compost site is located at 800 Buffalo Ave S (~1/4 mile south of the stoplights on the east side of road inside the fenced area).

Rules Updated as of 4/15/2022

1) You must be a resident of the City of Montrose.
2) Commercial haulers and lawn service companies are not eligible to use this site and will be reported to the Wright County Sheriff’s Office.
3) Only clean yard waste, brush and tree waste up to two inch (2") diameter will be accepted.
a. Acceptable yard waste includes leaves, grass clippings, pine cones, pumpkins, acorns, apples, garden vegetation.
b. Acceptable brush and tree waste includes shrubs, corn stalks, tree branches, and firewood up to two inch (2") diameter
4) Unacceptable yard waste includes: furniture, construction wood, dimensional wood, pallets, dirt and soil, or stumps. Yard waste mixed with grass, rocks, metal, concrete, Styrofoam, animal feces, food scraps, or other foreign materials are also unacceptable. No dumping loads of dirt and soil.
5) You must empty all bags used to transport compost material and put empty bags into the garbage can. No plastic bags are to be left at the compost site whatsoever if not in the garbage can, as they will contaminate the compost.
6) Branches and yard waste must be separated.
7) After unloading, all trailers, pickup boxes, etc., must be swept clean.
8) Only loads of compost and firewood are permitted to leave the site, nothing else. Anything other than compost and firewood that leaves the compost site will be considered theft and reported to the Wright County Sheriff’s Office.
9) Anyone caught dumping unacceptable waste at the compost site will be reported to the Wright County Sheriff’s Office.
10) Any NONRESIDENT caught dumping will be reported to the Wright County Sheriff’s Office.
11) The City of Montrose reserves the right to close the compost site at any time.
12) There are SURVEILLANCE cameras on site -to detect illegal dumping.